Raju parulekar biography of rory

raju parulekar biography of rory
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Today I met ANNA HAJARE at RaleganSiddhi.

Still he is feeling a bit weak.

As per my observation he will take at least another 8 days to recover completely.

We were together for more than 2 hours.

We talked a lot about past & future, everything under the Sun! Vijay Kuvalekar ji was integral part of this meeting.

Nobody else was there in Anna's room then during this meeting of ours.

Anna prefers isolation now a days engrossed in thoughts about future strategies.

I will assure you that many socio-political Tsunamis are awaited from that room in the future.

Wait...& watch !!

Inquilab Zindabad !!!

Raju Parulekar.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

रामदेवबाबांचे अहंकारासन - (माझा आजचा लोकप्रभामधील DTox)
अण्णांच्या लोकलढय़ाला मिळालेल&
We the people with proper brains understand that he is a stupid and a liar and hence importance need not be given such idiots who have gobar brains.
Raju Parulekar born on December 4, 1968 at Vengurla.

Raju Parulekar Archives - Indus Source Books

    Raju Parulekar born on December 4, at Vengurla.

Articles by Raju Parulekar’s Profile | The Hindu, National ...

    Raju Parulekar (born 4 December) is an Indian journalist, political analyst and television host.

Raju Parulekar

  • Their Penn years have provided unsurpassed opportunity to engage, work, and play with individuals from many walks of life, from all over the.
  • Raju Parulekar - RP Excellence | LinkedIn

    Raju Parulekar's Blog | Seekers of Truth risk their lives for ...

  • raju parulekar saheb, you are best person to take an interview.
  • Thoughts and More...: Namaskar, Me... Raju Parulekar.........

      Fundamentally, I am a writer.

    Raju Parulekar -

  • Abstract: Phase III trials show sorafenib improves survival in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
  • Raju Parulekar - Wikibin

      Raju Parulekar (born 4 December) is an Indian journalist, political analyst and television host.

    Raju | Raju Parulekar

  • Among the awards, I was bestowed with are; Maharashtra Times Sanman (MATA), Indradhanush Jeevanvyonmesh Award, RAPA award for excellence in radio and television advertising association for Sanvad, Maharashtra Government award for excellence for ‘Ideas are Dangerous’.