Rachlin biography
Amazon.com: Nahid Rachlin: books, biography, latest update
- Nahid Rachlin (born ) is an Iranian-American novelist and short story writer.
Julian Rachlin (nacido el 8 de diciembre de ) es un violinista, violista y director de orquesta de origen lituano. | |
Howard Rachlin (1935–2021) [1] was an American psychologist and the founder of teleological behaviorism. | |
Born in Lithuania, Rachlin emigrated to Vienna with his family at the age of three, where he studied violin under the renowned Boris Kuschnir at the Musik. |
Julian Rachlin | Violin | Viola | Session I
Nahid Rachlin, Author | Website | Books | Interview | Quotes ...
- Nahid Rachlin was born June 6, 1950, in Abadan, Iran, the eighth of ten children (2 of whom had died before her birth) to Manoochehr and Mohtaram Bozorgmehri.Brought up by her mother's older from when she was not yet one until she was nine years old when her father who had been a circuit judge resigned and started a private practice.
Howard Rachlin - Wikipedia
Nahid Rachlin, Author | Website | Books | Interview | Quotes ...
Conducted by Persis M. Karim
Nahid Rachlin came to the United States more than three decades ago as a wide-eyed young woman seeking a college education. Like many early Iranian immigrants, she came at a time when US-Iranian relations were positive and when the United States actively supported Mohammad Reza Shah and his policies. Iran and Iranian culture were virtually unknown to most Americans and what little connection they made with that nation was with Persian cats and carpets. Rachlin, who married an American man and later became a citizen, had always dreamed of becoming a writer. In 1978, she published her first novel, Foreigner, to critical acclaim. Foreigner explored the contours of alienation/outsiderness, in both the context of being an Iranian immigrant and in her own country. Since the publication of her first novel, Rachlin has been productive as a writer and teacher, and is arguably one of the pioneers of what was early on referred to in some circle Biography of Jason Rachlin - The Official Board
Talking with a Pioneer of Iranian-American Literature: An ...
Howard Rachlin (–) [1] was an American psychologist and the founder of teleological behaviorism.
Douglas Rachlin - Neuberger Berman
Howard Rachlin (1935–2021). - APA PsycNet
Rachlin was born to Irving and Gussie Kugler Rachlin in New York City on Ma. He died 86 years later of cancer, leaving his wife Nahid, daughter Leila, and grandson Ethan.