Peter m leschak biography of christopher

peter m leschak biography of christopher

Ghosts of the Fireground: Echoes of the Great Peshtigo Fire ...

  • LESCHAK, Peter M. PERSONAL: Born May 11, , in Chisholm, MN; son of Peter (a miner) and Agnes (in retail sales; maiden name, Pavelich) Leschak; married Pamela Cope (a writer), May 4, Ethnicity: "Russian/Croatian.".
  • Leschak, Peter M.

    PERSONAL: Born May 11, , in Chisholm, MN; son of Peter (a miner) and Agnes (in retail sales; maiden name, Pavelich) Leschak; married Pamela Cope (a writer), May 4, Ethnicity: "Russian/Croatian." Education: Attended College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, ; Ambassador College, B.A.,

    ADDRESSES: Home—Box 51, Side Lake, MN [email&#;protected].

    CAREER: Lumberjack in Roseburg, OR, ; printer in Baton Rouge, LA, ; water plant operator in Chisholm, MN, ; City of Hibbing, Hibbing, MN, operator of waste water plant, ; writer, —. Fire chief of French, MN, volunteer fire department and wildland firefighter for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

    MEMBER: Authors Guild, Minnesota Fire Chiefs Association, Minnesota Wildland Firefighters Association, Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness.


    Letters from Side Lake: A Chronicle of Life in the North Woods, Harper (New York, NY),

    The Bear Guardian: Northwoods Tales and Meditations, North S

    Letters From Side Lake
    Mark Coyle.
    SIDELIGHTS: Peter M. Leschak grew up in a small mining town in northern Minnesota.
    Or use Trials by Wildfire as a roadmap in your own search for life meaning.

    Leschak, Peter – Minnesota Authors on the Map

      Peter M. Leschak is a freelance writer who lives in northeastern Minnesota.

    Breath of the northern world - MPR News

      After a brief taste of urban life, and convinced that nothing equaled the formidable challenge of life in the heart of the vast woods, Peter M. Leschak returned to northern Minnesota.

    Leschak, Peter M. 1951- -

  • Letters from Side Lake: A Chronicle of Life in the North Woods; Peter M. Leschak; 1992; 1st Univeristy of Minnesota Press Edition.
  • Letters From Side Lake | NewSouth Books

      Leschak is the author of several acclaimed works of nonfiction, including Letters from Side Lake: A Chronicle of Life in the North Woods, Ghosts of the Fireground, and The Bear Guardian: Northwoods Tales and Meditations, which won a Minnesota Book Award in

    Project MUSE - Letters From Side Lake

  • PETER M. LESCHAK battles forest fires in the Midwest and the West Hes not a smoke jumper he says, hes a –grunt—-hiking to remote locations.
  • Articles by Peter M. Leschak’s Profile | The Minnesota Star ...

  • Peter Leschak (May 11, ) has always had a connection with the wilderness, growing up in Chisholm, MN and later settling near Side Lake with his wife.
  • Ghosts of the Fireground: Echoes of the Great Peshtigo

      Letters from Side Lake chronicles the marvelous range of adventures and reflections-described with thoughtfulness and humor-springing from his pioneer-like existence.