Per henrik gurth biography of rory

per henrik gurth biography of rory

Canada Concept Books Archives - Kids Can Press

    Per-Henrik Gürth was a graphic designer and illustrator of more than a dozen children’s books, including the bestselling titles Canada and ABC of Canada.
Kingston-based Per-Henrik Gurth has written and illustrated Snowy Sports: Ready, Set, Play!.
A day in Canada : Gürth, Per-Henrik, author, illustrator ...

Per-Henrik Gürth (Author of Canada in Colours) - Goodreads

    Oh Canada By Per Henrik Gurth -

      Per-Henrik Gürth is a graphic designer and illustrator of more than a dozen children’s books, including the bestselling titles Canada and ABC of Canada.

    Canada in Colours : Gurth, Per Henrik, Gurth, Per Henrik ...

  1. Biography.
  2. .

    Canada in Colours: Gurth, Per Henrik, Gurth, Per Henrik ...

  3. Letters to the Editor 2008 2008|Rory Foster.
  4. Oh, Canada! (Canada Concepts) eBook : Gürth, Per-Henrik, Per ...

      Per-Henrik Gurth is the author of ABC of Canada ( avg rating, ratings, 12 reviews, published ), A Day in Canada ( avg rating, 48 ratings.

    Oh, Canada! by Per-Henrik Gürth - Goodreads

  5. Per-Henrik Gürth - Children's Book Author & Illustrator

  6. Date of birth/Age: Aug 26, 1990 (34) · Citizenship: Germany.