Osagyefo sekou biography of martin

osagyefo sekou biography of martin

Rev. Sekou And The Seal Breakers: Tiny Desk Concert : NPR

    Restoration Village Arts.

Rev Sekou - Collective Speakers

    Trained at the Highland Center and tutored by Rev. Dr. James Lawson who Martin Luther King called the greatest nonviolent theorist in the world, Rev. Sekou has trained thousands in the tradition of nonviolent resistance throughout the United States.
A renowned musician, author, public intellectual, filmmaker, and community organizer, Rev. Sekou's role on staff is leading programs for theological formation, trainings on the theory and tactics of nonviolence civil disobedience, offering pastoral care, and contributing leadership and vision to our community.
Noted activist, theologian, author, documentary filmmaker, and musician, Reverend Osagyefo Sekou was born in St. Louis, Missouri and raised in the rural.

I Was Born Again in Ferguson - Rev. Osagyefo Sekou - YouTube

  • Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou was born in St. Louis, Mo and raised in the rural Arkansas Delta.
  • Staff - Valley and Mountain

  • Born in St. Louis and raised in the rural Arkansas Delta, Sekou has studied at the New School, Union Theological Seminary, and Harvard University.
  • Osagyefo Sekou - Valley and Mountain

      Sekou emerged as a leader during the demonstrations that followed the police shooting of Michael Brown Jr. in Ferguson, Mo., for which he helped train protestors in nonviolent civil disobedience.

    The radical gospel of Martin Luther King

    Robert W. Kelley/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

    Martin Luther King Jr. is ubiquitous. A federal holiday, a monument and a plethora of schools and streets bearing his name have cemented his presence on the cultural landscape of the United States. Liberals and conservatives alike appropriate King’s language to adorn their political wardrobes and buttress their ideological constructions.

    While the popular rendering of King is one of a civil rights leader who now enjoys widespread acceptability in American public discourse, his radical politics and his rough-edged critique of U.S. imperial adventures have been smoothed over. The real King was committed to a democratic socialist vision that germinated from his black church roots. Specifically, there are three pillars of the radical gospel of Martin Luther King Jr. that we should not allow holiday remembrances to whitewash: democratic socialism, transnational anti-imperialism and bla

    Living in the End Times : An Interview with Rev. Osagyefo Sekou

    Rev. Osagyefo Sekou (@revsekou) • Instagram photos and videos

  • This year’s keynote speaker is the Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, a minister, songwriter, and activist who helped lead efforts to train activists in nonviolent civil disobedience during the demonstrations in Ferguson after the killing of Michael Brown Jr. in
  • ‘Fierce Urgency of Now’: Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.


    ‘Fierce Urgency of Now’: Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Bio – Reverend Osagyefo Sekou St Louis raised activist, theologian and author, the Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou was a 2014 Visiting Scholar at Stanford University’s Martin Luther King Education & Research Institute before traveling to Ferguson, MO, in mid-August last year on behalf of the Fellowship of Reconciliation to organize alongside.