Leonid tishkov biography definition

leonid tishkov biography definition

leonid tishkov biography definition2

    Leonid Tishkov (Nizhniye Sergi, Ural,1953) is a Russian artist.

L. Tishkov, Private Moon, 80x120 cm, digital c-print su carta fotografica, 2003

Leonid Tishkov, Winter roof, stampa lambda su carta suprakodak, 90x120 cm, 2003

Leonid Tishkov, Balkonies, 90x120 cm, 2003

Leonid Tishkov, Journey of Private Moon in the Arctic, Magdalena Fjord, 2010

L. Tishkov, Journey of Private Moon in the Arctic, Hunter and Moon, 60x90 cm, 2010

Leonid Tishkov, Dream, 90x120 cm, 2003

L. Tishkov, Solveig, video installazione, 2004

L. Tishkov, Winter, 90x120 cm, 2003

Leonid Tishkov, Journey of Private Moon in the Arctic, 2010

L. Tishkov, La Luna. Faro, 2010

L. Tishkov, Window

L. Tishkov, Sfasciacarrozze, 60x90 cm, 2010

L. Tishkov, Private moon, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, 2009, panoramic

L. Tishkov, Paris

L. Tishkov, Paris-2

L. Tishkov, Knitling, stampa lambda su carta suprakodak, 60x90 cm, 2004

L. Tishkov, Knitling Vyazanik, black and white, 60x90, 2004

L. Tishkov, At forest, 90x120 cm, 2003

L. Tishkov, Appl

leonid tishkov biography definition4

  • Leonid Tishkov (Nizhniye Sergi, Ural,) is a Russian artist.
  • Leonid Tishkov | NinaDue Galleria

      Leonid Tishkov was born into a school teacher’s family in small town of Russia, Urals in , and now lives and works in Moscow.

    Leonid Tishkov, Russian Artist, Travels The World With His ...

      Leonid Tishkov started his career making cartoon like works in the s that focused with ironic, black humor and political aspects.

    Artists' Books - rdc.reed.edu

  • Trained as a doctor, Tishkov never enrolled into any art academy.
  • about & contact - Leonid Tishkov

  • Leonid Tishkov’s poetic and metaphysic oeuvre is realised in a diverse and often unconventional range of media, including installations, sculpture, video, photography, works on paper and books.
  • INTERVIEW: Anna Prosvetova meets with Leonid Tishkov, a Russian contemporary artist, to talk about his exhibition at Erarta Galleries London.
    Leonid Tishkov is a Russian contemporary artist.
    Born in the Ural Mountains and now living in Moscow, Tishkov creates not only artists' books but also drawings, paintings, prints, sculptural objects.

    The man behind the myths - Art Focus Now

  • At the beginning of his career, he entered the circle of the Moscow conceptualists.
  • Leonid Tishkov

      Leonid Tishkov is a Russian contemporary artist.
    leonid tishkov biography definition3