Ghazi e millat biography of mahatma

ghazi e millat biography of mahatma

Huzoor Ghazi E Millat Hashmi Miyan – ghaziemillat

  • Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Hashmi Miya - Wikipedia

  • He joined in the Indo-Pakistani.
  • Gazi-e-Millat Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan.pdf -

      Syed Muhammad Hashmi Miyan (Urdu سید محمد ہاشمی میاں) is an Indian Sunni Sufi Muslim scholar and preacher.

    Hashmi Miya - Wikiwand

      Short Biography of Huzoor Ghazi E Millat Sayyad Hashmi Miyan Ashrafi Aljeelani Daammat Barakatuhumul Aaliyah.

    about us | Mysite

      Syed Muhammad Hashmi Miyan is an Indian Sunni Sufi Muslim scholar and preacher.

    Short Biography of Huzoor Ghazi E Millat Sayyad Hashmi Miyan Ashrafi Aljeelani Daammat Barakatuhumul Aaliyah


    Hadrat Ghazi al Millat was born in KICCHOCHA SHAREEF (Uttar
    Pradesh) India on the 8th of July in 1947. He is the youngest son of
    Huzoor Muhaddith al A’zam al Hind Rahmatullahi ta’ala alaih.
    Hadrat Ghazi al Millat’s actual birth co-incided with Hadrat
    Muhaddith al A’zam’s Rahmatullahi ta’ala alaih arrival at the family
    home from a long distance preaching mission. Muhaddith al A’zam
    al Hind Rahmatullahi ta’ala alaih had the pleasure of doing ‘Adhaan’
    and ‘Takbir’ at the blessed occasion of their son’s birth, in fact
    Hadrat Ghazi al Millat is the only son to have been blessed with this
    spiritual awakening by their illustrious father and saint.
    Hadrat Ghazi al-Millat is the youngest son of His Holiness
    Makhdoom al-Millat Sayyad Muhammad Kicchochwe MUHADDITH

    Huzur Ghazi E Millat Syed Hashmi Miyan Ashraf Ashrafi Al Jilani

  • Short Biography Of Huzur Ghazi E Millat Syed Hashmi Miyan Ashraf Ashrafi Al Jilani: Huzur Ghazi E Millat was born in Kichocha Sharif (Uttar Pradesh) India on the 8th of July in He is the youngest son of Huzoor Mohaddise E Azam E Hind Rahmatullahi ta’ala alaih.
  • Syed Mohammed Hashmi Ashraf - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki

      He is recognised as Ghazi e Millat (warrior of the community).
    Mahatma Buddha, Jesus Christ and Guru Nanak.
    Syed Mohammed Hashmi Ashraf Al jilani (Hindi: सैयद मोहम्मद हाशमी अशरफ, Urdu: سيد محمد هاشمي أشرف) also known as Ghazi E Millat or Hashmi Miyan (born on 29 october 1944 CE or 12 Zil Qayda 1363 AH) is an internationally recognised Sunni Cypriot Sufi sheikh and Islamic scholar from Ashrafpur.
    The keynote of Fazl-i-Husain's policy was that democracy should be run by parties formed on non-communal lines and yet Fazl-i-Husain was.

    Huzoor Ghazi E Millat Hashmi Miyan ghaziemillat 2 years ago ...

  • Short Biography of Huzoor Ghazi E Millat Sayyad Hashmi Miyan Ashrafi Aljeelani Daammat Barakatuhumul Aaliyah BIRTH Hadrat Ghazi al Millat was born in KICCHOCHA SHAREEF (Uttar Pradesh) India on the 8th of July in 1947.
  • Ghazi e Millat Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Hashmi Mian - Facebook