Freak of nature mike tramp biography

freak of nature mike tramp biography

Freak of Nature (band) - Wikipedia

  • Mikkel Trempenau, better known as Mike Tramp, is a Danish singer best known for his work with the glam metal band White Lion.
  • Freak of Nature (Freak of Nature album) - Wikipedia

  • Freak of Nature was an American hard rock band formed in 1992 by former White Lion co-founder/vocalist, Danish singer Mike Tramp.
  • Mike Tramp - Wikipedia

      Freak of Nature was an American hard rock band formed in by former White Lion co-founder/vocalist, Danish singer Mike Tramp.

    Freak Of Nature - YouTube Music

      Following Freak of Nature, Tramp began a solo career, releasing his debut album as a solo artist in 1998 titled Capricorn.

    Mike Tramp - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi

      After White Lion, Tramp went on to form the hard rock band Freak of Nature.
    is mike tramp still married Freak of Nature was an American hard rock band formed in 1992 by former White Lion co-founder/vocalist, Danish singer Mike Tramp.
    mike tramp wife Michael Trempenau (born January 14, 1961), better known as Mike Tramp, is a Danish singer and songwriter who is best known for his work with the hard rock bands, White Lion and Freak of Nature.
    mike tramp net worth Mikkel Trempenau (born 14 January 1961), better known as Mike Tramp, is a Danish singer best known for his work with the glam metal band White Lion.

    Marcus Nand - Wikipedia

      While Vito Bratta would only play on one disc, CPR in , and disappear from the scene completely, Mike Tramp would form a new band, Freak of Nature.

    Mike Tramp

    Michael Trempenau, más conocido como Mike Tramp (14 de enero de 1961) es un músico danés, conocido por su trabajo con la banda White Lion.[1]



    Tras haber sido el vocalista de la banda Mabel, Tramp conoció a Vito Bratta y formó White Lion en 1983 dicha agrupación logró gran impacto en la década de los ochenta. Con White Lion ha grabado seis discos de estudio hasta la fecha. Después de su participación con dicha banda, formó la agrupación "Freak of Nature", la cual se mantuvo en activo hasta 1996, y logró compartir escenario con bandas como Dio y Helloween. También ha grabado algunos discos como solista. Debido a problemas legales, Mike reformó a White Lion con músicos diferentes, bajo el nombre de "Tramp's White Lion", con los que grabó un disco en directo.

    Vida personal


    Tramp está casado con la actriz de Indonesia Ayu Azhari, con la que tiene dos hijos: Isabelle y Lennon.



    Con Mabel


    • An
      Mike Tramp age, hometown, biography |

      Mike Tramp – Wikipedia

    • Freak of Nature is the rock band Danish singer Mike Tramp formed after the break-up of White Lion.
    • Mike Tramp Interview 2014 – About Freak of Nature

    • Even during White Lion’s golden age or Freak Of Nature’s sleazy and grungy era, Mike Tramp tells us, his compositions were born that way, before being transformed and played with distortion.