Biography of businessman

biography of businessman

Famous Businessmen Biographies - Biography Online

    Learn from the stories of successful and influential business leaders in this list of 25 business biographies.

The 25 Best Business Biographies For Entrepreneurs 2024 - Failory

    In this blog post, I’ve compiled a list of the 15 best business biographies of all time.
15 Best Business Biographies of All Time -, carousel

A selection of famous businessmen and businesswomen.

Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931) Edison filed over 1,000 patents during his life. But, he also combined a rare inventor’s capacity to make them commercially viable. He made a fortune through the electric light bulb and other inventions such as the phonograph.

Richard Branson (1950 -) A high school drop out, Richard Branson founded the Virgin group of more than 400 companies.

Steve Jobs (1955 – 2011) Steve Jobs was the co-founder of Apple Computers, and a leading exponent of the personal computer revolution. Jobs oversaw the development of key innovations in the mobile technology revolution such as iPhone, iPod and iPad.

Anita Roddick (1942 – 2007) Anita Roddick was the founder of the Body Shop, a cosmetic firm, with strong ethical principles.

Bill Gates (1955- ) Co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates helped revolutionise operating systems for personal computers, becoming one of the richest persons on the planet. He no

The 10 Best Entrepreneur Biographies of Millionaires

  • 1.
  • biography of businessman4

  • Best Business Biographies ; 1.
  • The 11 Best Business Biographies Books of All Time (2024)

      Learn from the stories of successful and influential business leaders in this list of 25 business biographies.

    biography of businessman1

  • Starting a business from the ground up can be at times lonely, stressful and all-consuming.
  • Famous Business Leaders - Biography

  • Here you’ll find summaries of the best biographies of business leaders and legendary entrepreneurs.
  • successful businessman biography Here's a list of the best 25 business biography books for entrepreneurs, including the stories of Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and Jeff Bezos.
    top 100 business biographies Business biographies offer a unique glimpse into the lives and minds of some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and leaders.
    biography of successful businessman pdf Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography Richard Branson has become globally known as a serial entrepreneur and adventurer.

    11 biographies of successful entrepreneurs & founders

      Business biographies refer to the portrayal of the stories of entrepreneurs as well as the formation and growth of powerful corporations.