Biography matrix for slaverys opponents
Slavery’s Opponents and Defenders -
SLavery Analysis
Each group will select a major individual to represent
- Activity 1. Biographies of Slavery's Opponents and DefendersStudents will compare and contrast the life stories of slavery's opponents and defenders by going to the following EDSITEment-reviewed websites to obtain information about their lives. A matrix for recording answers to questions about each viewpoint has been provided on pages 1-4 of the lesson's PDF.
(a) Three Opponents of Slavery: William Lloyd Garrison, Abraham Lincoln, and Frederick Douglass(b) Two Defenders of Slavery: John C. Calhoun and James Henry HammondActivity 2. The Morality and Legitimacy of Slavery Under the U.S. Constitution: Northern Abolitionist vs. Slaveholding Senator. In this activity, students will compare and contrast the ideas in two documents: one from the abolitionist orator and editor William Lloyd Garrison, and the other from the slaveholding Senator from South Carolina John C. Calhoun. Students will read GaSlavery1.pdf - Slavery's Opponents and Defenders - Course Hero
- A matrix for recording answers to questions about each viewpoint has been provided on pages 1-4 of the lesson's PDF. (a) Three Opponents of Slavery: William Lloyd Garrison, Abraham Lincoln, and Frederick Douglass.
Slavery’s Opponents and Defenders - NEH-Edsitement
- Slavery’s Opponents and Defenders — ?id= How did he achieve national prominence?
Slavery's Opponents And Defenders - Fill Online, Printable ...
- It was a compact formed at the sacrifice of the bodies and souls of millions of our race, for the sake of achieving a political object—an unblushing and monstrous coalition to do evil that good might come.
Slavery’s Opponents and Defenders -
- Let them separate, if they can muster courage enough—and the liberation of their slaves is certain.
- Slavery's Opponents and Defenders.
- What did each group below think about the subjects to the right?
Slavery’s Opponents and Defenders
Matrix for Understanding Perspectives on Slavery - Quizlet
Slavery Analysis - NEIL GEYETTE
- Identify influential opponents and defenders of American slavery and compare their respective biographies; Explain the reasons given for and against the morality and legitimacy of slavery under the U.S. Constitution; Articulate an economic argument in favor of slavery and an opposing argument on behalf of free labor.
Life in Africa and the trade of enslaved people along the African coast are rarely mentioned in the autobiographies of former slaves. | |
Slavery’s Opponents and Defenders Student Name _____ Date _____ What did each group below think about the subjects to the right? | |
To reinforce their belief that slavery had ended, the slaves also cited the ban on the transatlantic slave trade and the abolition of indigenous. |