Bernard maclaverty biography

bernard maclaverty biography

Bernard MacLaverty - Wikipedia

    Bernard MacLaverty (born 14 September 1942) is an Irish fiction writer and novelist.

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    Bernard MacLaverty is a Northern Irish author born in Belfast in 1942. Before becoming a writer, MacLaverty worked as a medical technician and an English teacher. His first novel was Lamb, which was published in 1980. Since then, he has written several other novels and collections of short stories. He has been a writer-in-residence at institutions including the University of Aberdeen. MacLaverty has received much recognition for his work, especially in the world of Irish literature, garnering distinctions such as the Scottish Arts Council award and the Pharic McLaren award. He has adapted many of his works for radio and television; his screenplay for his novel Cal was made into a 1984 film starring John Lynch and Helen Mirren. MacLaverty now lives in Glasgow with his wife Madeline and four children.

    Study Guides on Works by Bernard MacLaverty

    CalBernard MacLaverty

    Cal is a 1983 novel by

    Bernard MacLaverty facts for kids - Kids encyclopedia

      Bernard MacLaverty (born 14 September 1942) is an Irish fiction writer and novelist.

    Bernard MacLaverty Bibliography

      Biography Bernard MacLaverty was born in Belfast (14.9.42) and lived there until 1975 when he moved to Scotland with his wife, Madeline, and four children.

    Bernard MacLaverty facts for kids - Kids encyclopedia

  • Biography Bernard MacLaverty was born in Belfast (14.9.42) and lived there until 1975 when he moved to Scotland with his wife, Madeline, and four children.
  • Bernard MacLaverty Biography - List of Works, Study Guides ...

    Bernard MacLaverty Biography - Stories, Cal, Short, and York ...

  • Career: Medical laboratory technician, Belfast, 1960-70; teacher of English, St. Augustine's High School, Edinburgh, 1975-78, and Islay High School, 1978-81; writer-in-residence, University of Aberdeen, 1983-85.
  • bernard maclaverty short stories Bernard MacLaverty was born in Belfast (14.9.42) and lived there until 1975 when he moved to Scotland with his wife, Madeline, and four children.
    lamb bernard maclaverty summary Career: Medical laboratory technician, Belfast, 1960-70; teacher of English, St. Augustine's High School, Edinburgh, 1975-78, and Islay High School, 1978-81; writer-in-residence, University of Aberdeen, 1983-85.
    grace notes bernard maclaverty Bernard MacLaverty is a Northern Irish author born in Belfast in 1942.

    Biography - Bernard MacLaverty

      Northern Irish fiction writer Bernard MacLaverty has been praised for both the content and style of his work.

    maclaverty-bernard - RCW Literary Agency

  • Bernard MacLaverty is an Irish fiction writer and novelist.